Steven's Gap RV Park 2024 Rates
Check-in: 2:00 PM
Check-out: 12:00 PM
Memorial Day, 4th of July,
Labor Day, & New Year's Eve
(3 night minimum)
(see long term rental)
If reservation is cancelled 14 or more days prior to arrival, reservation will be refunded,
13 days or less there will be no refund.
10% Military Discount for active duty personnel and veterans.
Rental Terms and Conditions

We Accept Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Discover. By providing a credit card you are authorizing Stevens Gap RV Park to charge your credit card for the at the time of booking.
Early departures for any reason are not eligible for refunds.
All refunds are determined solely by Steven's Gap RV Park management.
You must agree to rent the assigned site for the specified number of days at the active rate upon your arrival (rates are subject to change without notice). You must agree to abide by all park rules and regulations. Failure to do so will, at the discretion of Steven's Gap RV Park management, be sufficient reason for eviction from the premises. You must understand and agree that Steven's Gap RV Park is not responsible for loss, damage, or injury to any person, vehicle or other personal property.
Every effort will be made to satisfy your requests, however please understand that reservations, special request, and specific selections are subject to availability.